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十九大的春风,为全国人民的美好生活带来了更多的希望,也即将开启2018年的崭新岁月。值此辞旧迎新、继往开来的美好时刻,我谨代表集团向奋斗在五洲四海的hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站人表达最深切的感谢!同时也特别感谢我们的客户、合作伙伴、股东等所有关心支持hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站成长的社会各界领导及朋友们,祝愿大家在新的一年里家家幸福,安康和乐,事事如意!

即将过去的2017年,中国经济稳中有进,LED行业也在产业结构调整中不断优化。作为全球LED应用行业的引领者,hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站在全体员工的齐心努力和各界朋友的大力支持下,我们逐步推进和落实了2016年制定的“产业+互联网+金融”跨越式发展战略,在LED应用产业上进一步深耕细作。

光荣与梦想同在,2017年hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站显示在世界的舞台光芒绽放。从香港回归二十周年的庄严阅兵显示屏,到“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛安保调度可视化平台,内蒙古自治区成立七十周年庆典屏,党的十九大10个高清演播室大屏,还有2017世界交通运输大会、2017IT领袖峰会、2017FINA泳联世锦赛、2017世界遗产大会等等中国的盛事盛会都有hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站人的光彩。

我们正快速迈向5G时代,全球已有200多个城市正在开展智慧城市的建设,国内已有约500多个城市都提出要打造智慧城市。万物互联的智慧城市万灯互联首当其冲,由于智慧城市系统构建太过复杂,智能路灯作为城市天然的灯联网成为最佳落地点。2017年我们第四代智慧路灯已经成功在深圳、佛山、宁夏、酒泉、新疆、钦州等城市试点,可以预见未来hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站LED智能路灯将迎来高速发展的机遇期,为中国智慧城市建设提供强大动力。

帷幕开启,渐入佳境。在金融方面我们感恩这个时代给予我们LED产业高速发展的机遇,也给了hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站很大的加快产业整合布局与并购机会。2017年公司连续并购,全面布局LED专业照明和景观文旅市场,加快产业整合升级和协同发展。清华康利城市照明研究设计院的加盟意味着hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站景观城市照明板块的正式建立,康利将与公司现有的智慧路灯和智慧显示业务形成协同,增强公司的市政项目综合竞争力。杭州柏年致力于打造文创照明领先品牌,对hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站在文旅照明的布局有非常重大的意义。蔷薇科技定位城市景观显示的领先品牌,进一步加深我们在LED显示屏行业细分领域的布局,双方将在市场、供应链、管理等方面产生协同。VF照明定位专业照明的领先品牌,是hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站开启专业照明市场的重要举措,是我们照明应用产业链高价值部分的生态整合的开局先锋。十九大报告指出“文化兴国运兴“,未来hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站体系的雷迪奥的舞台显示,蔷薇的景观显示,柏年的文创灯光,VF的专业灯光,康利的城市设计院,广东hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站的智慧灯光,将hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站景观文旅板块打造为一个光文化服务商。


优质的产品和服务是赢得客户信任与尊重的根本。2017年底我们30万平米的大亚湾二期已经动工开建,切实落地我们的客户服务战略,解决交付紧张的问题,全力满足全球LED显示市场高品质产品需求。大亚湾二期建成后我们将形成以福永总部为基点,坪山、大亚湾两大生产基地为支撑的“铁三角”架构,hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站将成为全球最大的LED显示屏智能制造中心。

未来五年,和平与稳定、经济发展向好仍是全球大趋势,我们需要练好内功,打造工匠精神,抓住这个重要的战略机遇。在人才培养方面,hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站视员工的成长为企业发展的根本,公司弘扬优秀员工精神和工匠精神,继续推进企业文化的建设,积极践行“七星价值观”,以“利他正念,创新进取”作为核心,营造奋斗光荣的企业风尚和精益求精的敬业风气。此外,公司成立的hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站商学院鼓励每位员工掌握至少一项专业技能,为hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站未来3-5年的战略发发展打造知识型、创新型和技能型人才队伍。


在新的一年里,我们要继续共同努力,开动脑筋,打破常规,敢于创新,让世界各地都能买到我们的高质量产品,享受到我们的优质服务,让hjc黄金城集团 - 黄金城xhjc官方网站的目标与大家的美好生活得以实现。再次向大家致以最诚挚的祝福,祝大家好运连年!

New Year Wishes for 2018 from CEO 

Build a Dream with Ingenuity, Create a Future with Enjoyment

The spring breeze of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has brought more hope for the good life of the whole nation, and it is about to start the new days of 2018. On this wonderful time to ring out the old year and ring in the New Year, and to continue with the past and open up the future, on behalf of the group, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the Unilumin people who have fought in all parts of the world! And my special gratitude also goes to our clients, partners, shareholders and all the leaders and friends of all sectors of society who care about and support the growth of Unilumin! Wish everyone family happiness, good health and harmony and all the best in the New Year!

In 2017 that is about to pass, China's economy has made steady progress, and the LED industry is also continuously optimized in the industrial restructuring. As the leader of the global LED application industry, with the concerted efforts of all Unilumin staff and the strong support of friends from all circles,we have gradually promoted and implemented the "Industry + Internet + Finance" leapfrog development strategy formulated in 2016, and have done further work in the LED application industry.

The glory is present with the dream, and in 2017 Unilumin Display was shining at the world's stage. There are glories of Unilumin people from the display screen at the solemn military parade on the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China, to the visualized platform at Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, and the screen at the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the ten high-definition studio screens at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, as well as the World Transportation Conference in 2017, the IT Leaders’ Summit in 2017, the FINA World Championship in 2017, the World Heritage Convention in 2017 and other great events and grand meetings in China.

We are fast moving towards 5G era, and more than 200 cities around the world are building smart cities, more than 500 cities in China have proposed to build smart cities. In the smart cities with everything interconnected, it shall be first to realize every lighting interconnected. Because the construction of smart city system is too complex, the smart street lamp is the best point for the city's natural lamp network. In 2017, our fourth-generation smart street lamp has been successfully piloted in Shenzhen, Foshan, Ningxia, Jiuquan, Xinjiang, Qinzhou and other cities. It can be predicted that there will be an opportunity period for rapid development of LED smart street lamp of Unilumin in the future, providing strong impetus for China's smart city construction.

The curtain has opened and situation is getting better. In the financial aspect, we are grateful for the opportunity of rapid development of LED industry that the era gave us, and also gave a great opportunity to Unilumin to accelerate the industrial layout integration and merger&acquisition. In 2017, our company has made continuous mergers&acquisitions, completed the overall layout of LED professional lighting and landscape culture travel market, and accelerated integration, upgrading and synergistic development of the industry. The joining of the Tsinghua Conley City Lighting Research and Design Institute means the formal establishment of the landscape city lighting plate of Unilumin. Conley will work with the company's existing smart street lamps and smart display business to enhance the company's comprehensive competitiveness in municipal projects. Hangzhou Panasign is committed to creating a leading brand of culture creativity lighting, which is of great significance to the layout of Unilumin in culture creativity lighting. Joywayled positions itself to be the leading brand of urban landscape display, and further deepens our layout in the segmentation field of LED display industry. The two parties will collaborate in the market, supply chain and management. Positioning to be the leading brand of professional lighting, VF lighting is the important initiative of Unilumin to open the professional lighting market, and is our opening pioneer for the ecological integration of high value part of lighting application industry chain. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China noted that “the culture’s flourish is accompanied by the nation’s prosperity”. In the future, ROE’s stage display, Joywayled’s landscape display, Panasign’s culture creativity lighting, VF’s professional lighting, Conley’s city design institute and Guangdong Unilumin’s smart lighting of Unilumin system will make Unilumin’s landscape culture travel plate to be a service provider of lighting culture. 

In the industrial Internet, our exploration has achieved initial success. The subsidiary company Wanpinghui has become the "Didi Express" of the display industry. A large number of city project contractors have begun to rely on Wanpinghui to receive orders, and some of them have completed 5,000 square meters of projects through Wanpinghui in half a year. In 2018, Wanpinghui will seize the online traffic entrance of domestic LED display industry. It plans to provide 20,000 to 30,000 engineers in the whole industry with more than 100,000 project orders in the way of sending orders and scrambling for orders, and to achieve "interconnection of every screen" using the power of project contractors and service providers of the industry.  

High quality products and services are fundamental to win customer trust and respect. At the end of 2017, our 30,000 square meters of Phase II of Daya Bay has begun constructed already, to actually implement our customer service strategy, solve the problem of delivery strain, so as to fully meet the needs for high quality products in the global LED display market. After establishment of the Phase II of Daya Bay, the "iron triangle" structure will be formed, which is based on Fuyong headquarters and supported by the two production bases -- Pingshan and Daya Bay. Unilumin will be the world's largest smart manufacturing center for LED panels.

In the next five years, peace, stability and the improving economic development will continue to be the global trend. We need to do our internal work well, build craftsman spirit and seize this important strategic opportunity. In terms of personnel training, Unilumin takes the growth of employees as the foundation of enterprise development. The company promotes the spirit of excellent employees and craftsman spirit, and continues to promote the construction of enterprise culture, actively practices "Seven Star Values", and with " Altruism And Mindfulness, Innovation And Progressivism " as the core, create an enterprise fashion of “struggle is glorious ”and a professional dedication of keep improving.

Be optimistic and set sail. In the next 30 years, the real economy is the direction that deserves real effort and development. As mentioned in the19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, “To build a modern economic system, we must put the point of strength of development economy on the real economy, take improving the quality of supply system as the main direction, and significantly enhance the economic quality advantage of our country.” In the face of global competition, we need to become a Chinese brand enterprise with more reaction sensitivity to market, more flexibility for mechanism, more innovativeness and higher output efficiency, and become important support for the national real economic strategy.

In the new coming year, we will continue to make efforts together, keep our brain ticking over, break the routines and dare to innovate. We will make our high quality products and our high quality service available all over the world. We will realize the goal of Unilumin as well as everyone's good life. I would like to extend my best wishes again to all of you and wish everyone good luck for years!

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